Tyrean Martinson, Author
Writing Episode - Sustainable Goals and Motivational Rewards

Writing Episode - Sustainable Goals and Motivational Rewards

In this episode, I discuss the need for sustainable goals in my writing life, and how rewards (planned or happenstance) motivate and inspire me to keep going.

Mini Points in this episode

Introduction (0:00)

Example of a goal from my past and a question of sustainability (1:00)

Rewriting Goals and Problems with a Perfectionist Attitude (2:32)

SMART Goal (4:02)

My reason for focusing on sustainability (4:24)

Sustainable and Realistic Goals (6:57)

The reason for this subject today, my goals for the summer, and The Rayatana Series (7:40)

Brief mention of pitching at Realm Makers (a Christian Speculative Fiction Writing Conference in St. Louis) (10:10)

Revisions for Dark Blade: Forged (11:30) as one of the goals

Writing is Work (13:20)

Marketing Plans and Goals (14:30)

Celebrations in Writing and Life (16:05)

Happenstance Celebrations and a Mention of Village Books in Bellingham, WA (16:55)

Going to the movies as a storytelling celebration (21:30)

Specific celebrations for books (23:50)

A simple act of celebration (29:00)

Events and Promotions

Mysteries, Monsters, & Mayhem - episode 169: The Unexplainable will air on June 15th.

Realm Makers - July Event

Fierce Fantasy Book Funnel - 140+ books of fantasy!

Author Help Books - 10 Books by Author for Authors

Tyrean Martinson, Author
A podcast for writers, readers, and creatives. On Wednesdays, host Tyrean Martinson will share insights into writing, sharing work, the hard work of repeating those actions, and seeking joy during all. On Fridays, Tyrean will share some of her own written work.