Tyrean Martinson, Author
Writing Episode - Worldbuilding, Part 5: Technology - And IWSG: Discussion of AI

Writing Episode - Worldbuilding, Part 5: Technology - And IWSG: Discussion of AI

Plus, some pics from my trip to St. Louis for Realm Makers

In this episode, I attempt to tackle two subjects: Technology Use in Worldbuilding and the IWSG discussion topic about AI use. IWSG is a monthly blog hop about writing for writers and the AI discussion is in regards to our optional monthly question. Plus, I wanted to share some photos with you from my recent trip to St. Louis for Realm Makers. Yes, there’s a lot here. Please feel free to skip to the sections you want to see.

The IWSG Question was worded as follows: Do you use AI in your writing and if so how? Do you use it for your posts? Incorporate it into your stories? Use it for research? Audio?

My Overall View of AI: God is greater. Human creativity is more imaginative. Human relationships are more important. Many aspects of life are more important to me than AI. But it is a tool and we need to consider how we view it, and how we use it. Human creativity is always going to win the day. Believing that, and sticking with that, is going to help us alleviate the issues surrounding AI use. I’m not saying “let’s stick our heads in the sand,” but I am saying, let’s be positive and refocus the way we view AI - as a tool.

AI use as a tool is widespread already: Unless you are currently using pen and paper, you are using AI. If you are reading this on a smartphone or a laptop or a desktop or a screen hooked to the internet, you are using AI. If you use autofill, you are using AI. If you use email, you are using AI. If you use search engines, you are using AI. If you use Amazon, you are using AI. If you are using social media, you are using AI. If you use Google translate, you are using AI.

From a faith and creativity perspective: I have heard Pastors speak in favor of AI use and I have heard Christians say it’s the work of the devil and users are turning their mind over to evil. I’ve heard proponents share how much AI tools have improved their creative life and I’ve hear naysayers say it is killing creativity. Either side of the argument is not new to me.

To me, AI is a tool and will always be a tool, until we decide to give it more power over our minds, hearts, and creativity. By fearing it, by judging or bullying those who have used it in some measure or another, I think we are giving it more power than we need to.

How have I used it:

Have I used it to write a blog post? No.

Have I used it to brainstorm and do bits of research? Yeah.

Have I used it for writing? I experimented with it, but I like my own creativity more. I would rather write because I love to write.

Have I used it for grammar issues? Yep. Prowriting aid is one of the tools I use regularly - although I rarely do for blog posts. That may change in the future.

Have I used it to create art for fun? Yeah.

Have I used it to create book covers? Not wholesale, no.

Have I used it to create book cover elements? I tried it, but wasn’t happy with the results. However, this may change. I’m going to be honest. I already have Canva Pro and I use their design templates for books and then rearrange elements, using their stock art (paid for art) and their design tools. I also don’t have a ton of money from previous book sales to put into this area, regardless if said previous books had professional art or I made the covers on my own. Some of my own covers have brought in better sales.

I like being human. I’m messy. I’m quirky. I also don’t mind using AI tools. I don’t plan on it taking over my life or allowing it to whisper to my soul and suck me down into a fiery pit - partly because I don’t think either of those is possible. I have a choice, as does each person reading this.

Pictures from my trip to St. Louis and Realm Makers - more are out on my IG page.

Realm Makers and St. Louis

And one of my favorite photos from the St. Louis Museum was a particular one from their ancient weapons exhibit. My husband is my supermodel, but note how tall the double-handed broadsword is compared to him. It’s pretty amazing.

I write fantasy with plenty of sword-fighting, so I’m always happy to admire an old sword on display at a museum.


Tyrean’s Tales Website

Summer Fantasy Adventures Book Funnel

Blaster Cannons, Aliens, Space Opera, and Really Big Ships Book Funnel

Noblebright Scifi and Fantasy Book Funnel

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Tyrean Martinson, Author
A podcast for writers, readers, and creatives. On Wednesdays, host Tyrean Martinson will share insights into writing, sharing work, the hard work of repeating those actions, and seeking joy during all. On Fridays, Tyrean will share some of her own written work.